Myst, Phoebe

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Phoebe Myst
Myst, Phoebe
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 14:49:19 GMT
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[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x




namePhoebe Myst
played byZaber

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK grunt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM Black Swan from Honkai Star Rail

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




Place of Origin: Hoenn[break][break]
Unova Zodiac Sign: Lampent/Libra (see here)[break][break]
Occupation: Fortune Teller (Thief)[break][break]
Religion: n/a[break][break]
Likes: Fortune Telling, Starry Nights, Gemstones, Delischous meals, thrills. [break][break]
Dislikes: Loud places, laws, absolutes, broccoli, arrogant show-offs. [break][break]
Personal Goals: Find meaning to life, see a better future. [break][break][break][break]

Personality: Phoebe is a rather moody, silent and reserved individual on the surface. Her emotions are subtle, and so is her word choice in public. There is not a single hint of excess energy wasted from what is needed. Some could call her zestless or lacking ambition-- but she is simply organized and observant. It takes a lot to grasp her interests, being a bit introverted with her thoughts. However, that is only one aspect of her. [break][break]
When she takes action-- the spark inside her soul ignites in her eyes. She can be cunning, a wicked schemer and not afraid to exploit a situation or people to bring about a desired result. Despite her reserved appearance, she does show ambition and desire. Often she likes expensive drinks or food, tranquil nights in a comfy place, the glimmer of jewels-- on occasion, the excitement of a daring heist, and even the company of a lover. She is someone who doesn't believe in morals-- the grand concept of good or evil, but actions, and what you can live with. Despite this feeling, she still show moments of compassion or honor, which can contradict her beliefs. [break][break] She freely admits she is a complicated person, and actions speaks louder than words. [break][break][break][break]

History: Phoebe was raised in XXX, under the care of an eccentric aunt. Too young to remember her parents who died sadly due to an accident, she was raised by the aunt, who acted as a soothsayer and fortune teller. While half of the time it was an act, encouraging customers with her lure of mysticism and vague glimpses of their futures-- she would tell Phoebe that they do not come for truth half the time, but for the enjoyment of diving into the unknown. [break][break] However, as Phoebe became 12, her aunt died as well-- which left her into a foster home. As she continued to grow, she was more withdrawn and introverted as others would make fun of her unusual look or interests in the occult or mystery. This made her more withdrawn, and more to look after herself over others. [break][break] She would often retreat to the woods or abandoned houses-- there as she would enjoy the peace of her solitude-- she would come across another. [break][break] Her partner, Gothita. A wild Pokemon, she and Phoebe would interact and slowly build a bond of their own, both of them growing close as Gothita listened intently to Phoebe's worries and thoughts. A good listener to a lonely girl. [break][break] Things continued to go downhill as word came that the developers were going to build a new city life center in the area, tearing down the foster home in the process. Phoebe was aware of the situation and protested to her foster care parents they had to do something-- but was encouraged not to take action. They had promised their appeal would be understood and that they wouldn't lose their home. [break][break] However, in the end of it all... the home was bought out and they were forced to leave. Old enough to go on her own, Phoebe left-- disappointed and no longer believing that life was ever fair. [break][break] She wasn't just depressed. She was angry. Willing to help her Gothita stood by her side, and sought to help her get even. Finding the HQ of the developer, Phoebe was unwilling to be a victim anymore, and orchastrated a scheme to steal from him. [break][break] With Gothita's psychic power, they had accomplished their goal, along with Phoebe's crafty thinking, but sadly, in the end, the victory felt hollow and empty, as the man still seemed unhurt by the theft. [break][break] While better off having robbed him-- Phoebe moved on, traveling with her new friend to seek a means to survive and live. [break][break] Taking on the livelihood of a thief, moving from one score to the next-- her efforts earned her the attention of Team Rocket. While not having any faith in the League or anyone other than her own, she would join Team Rocket with her interest of looking after herself. However... there was much more than meets the eye for her motivations... [break][break]

Alias: Mystique -- A grunt among Team ROcket, working to use her wits, cunning, and pokemon to assist in heists, cons and engaging thefts that surprise others, inspired by tales of roguish heroes as a child. Crafting the name "Mystique" from her name, she uses it as an alias to hide her identity. [break][break]

Personal Tools: Tarot Cards-- a collection of mysterious cards left from her aunt she holds on to, written in "unown' text and arcane depiction of the pokemon on it. Often leaves them behind at crime scenes, marking it as calling cards for her crimes.


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TAG WITH @shiv
Myst, Phoebe
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 6:19:07 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WELCOME TO HOENN!


congratulations on being accepted! ensure that you have read the site rules and view the getting started page should you require some guidance for the beginning of your journey. we hope you enjoy your stay in hoenn![break][break]

your character will begin with 50 pokedollars & 5 pokeballs,[break]which you can add to your personal computer (PC).


[attr="class","omacceptedlinks2"]FACE CLAIMS





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